- Time is money
- Время — деньги.
Иллюстрированный сборник идиом. - М.: "Росмэн". М.И. Дубровин. 1997.
Иллюстрированный сборник идиом. - М.: "Росмэн". М.И. Дубровин. 1997.
time is money — phrase used for saying that time should not be wasted because you lose money as a result Thesaurus: ways of telling someone to hurrysynonym Main entry: time * * * proverb time is a valuable resource, therefore it is better to do things as quickly … Useful english dictionary
Time Is Money — is an adage referring to the time value of money.The phrase may also refer to:Music* Time is Money (Bastard) , a 1985 No Wave album by Swans * Time is Money (South Park Mexican album), a hip hop album released in 2000 * Time Is Money (Styles P.… … Wikipedia
time is money — ► used to say that if you waste time you are also losing money: »For the oil industry time is money, and in most cases it s cheaper to pay compensation and move to another site than wait for a board hearing. Main Entry: ↑time … Financial and business terms
time is money — time is valuable, time is equal to money Employers who pay hourly wages know that time is money … English idioms
Time Is Money — Album par Styles P. Sortie 19 décembre 2006 Enregistrement 2004 2006 Durée 44:42 Genre Hip Hop East Coast Producteu … Wikipédia en Français
time is money — ► time is money proverb time is a valuable resource, therefore it s better to do things as quickly as possible. Main Entry: ↑time … English terms dictionary
time is money — англ. (тайм из мани) время деньги. Толковый словарь иностранных слов Л. П. Крысина. М: Русский язык, 1998 … Словарь иностранных слов русского языка
Time is money — (engl., spr. taim is mönnĭ), »Zeit ist Geld«. Der Ausspruch wird auf einen ähnlichen des griechischen Philosophen Theophrast (390–305 v. Chr.) zurückgeführt … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Time is money — (engl., spr. teim is mönnĭ), Zeit ist Geld … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Time is money — Zeit ist Geld … Universal-Lexikon
time is money — Gr. τὸ πολυτελέστατον..ἀνάλωμα, τὸν χρόνον, the most costly outlay is time (attributed to Antiphon). 1572 T. WILSON Discourse upon Usury 33 They saye tyme is precious. 1748 B. FRANKLIN Papers (1961) III. 306 Remember that Time is Money. He that… … Proverbs new dictionary